IKHLAS  HOUSEOWNER  / HOUSEHOLDER TAKAFUL,  are assured of comprehensive  protection for  your house and/or contents.

IKHLAS  HOUSEOWNER  / HOUSEHOLDER TAKAFUL is designed to cover  your property against  the following perils:-
1.  Fire
2.  Lightning
3.  Explosion
4.  Aircraft damage
5.  Impact  damage
6.  Busting and overflowing  of water  tanks
7.  Theft  (by forcible  entry only)
8.  Hurricane, cyclone, typhoon and windstorm
9.  Earthquake and volcanic eruption
10. Flood
11. Loss of rent (not exceeding  10%  of total sum covered)
12. Personal Public Liability

NOTE: Items  8,9 & 10  above excludes 1%  of total  sum covered  on buildings  or  the first  RM200 of each  and every loss, whichever  is lesser.

This Takaful plan, cover the BUILDING of your home against loss or damage by contingencies no.  1 to 12 listed  above.

This Takaful plan, cover the CONTENTS  of your  home, such as furniture, furnishings, household goods, kitchen equipment and other appliances, television  and radio sets, and other similar equipment, clothing, personal effects and valuables.

It covers the same contingencies under the IKHLAS Houseowner Takaful Certificate (item  1 to 12), PLUS additional  coverage against:-

1. Breakage of mirrors (other  than hand mirrors)  whilst  in your home.
2. Compensation  for death of Participant.
3. Servants' property.

This  following benefits  will be made available with additional contribution:-
1. Riot, Strike & Malicious Damage
2. Additional rent coverage
3. Public liability - additional limits
4. Theft  without limitation of being accompanied by  actual forcible and violent breaking  into and/or  out  of your home (IKHLAS Householder  Takaful only)

" Give  your property  the necessary protection."